4 fun activities to practise numbers with your child
Here are 4 fun activities to practise numbers with your child. They can learn through play to recognise the numbers up to 10 and compare quantities; for example which is bigger or smaller. They are also great activities for on the go and can be used to keep little ones entertained while out and about.
Number Pompoms
You will need tweezers, paper, pompoms and coloured pens to match.
- Write the numbers 1-5 down the side of the paper and draw the corresponding number of circles.
- Get your little one to pick up the pompoms with the tweezers and place the right number in the circles.
- To make it harder don't draw the circles.
- Then ask you little one if there are more or less pompoms on certain numbers.
Threading the right number of beads
- Draw numbers on cardboard circles and create a hole at the top
- Thread a pipe cleaner through the hole
- Ask your little one to thread the correct number of beads onto each pipe cleaner to match the number
Threading the string through the numbers loops
- Create loops of coloured paper with the numbers 1-10 on them
- Sellotape the loops to a bigger piece of cardboard
- Grab some wool, string or a shoe lace and get your little one to thread the numbers in order
Number pancakes
A fun one for in the garden or for pancake day.
- Write two sets of numbers 1-5 on cardboard circles.
- Get your little one to sort them into ordered piles or lay them out.
- Make a start and finish line.
- Grab a play kitchen pan and when you say go run the numbers in order 1-5 to the finish line carrying them on the pan.
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